Leonie Star was born in London in 1938 and lived there throughout the Second World War. She was educated at St Paul’s Girls’ School until 1948 when she emigrated with her parents to Australia.
Dr Star attended school at Ascham, Darling Point from 1949 to 1955. She graduated with a BA from the University of Sydney in 1958 and became a teacher, and in 1970 gained an MA from the University of New Brunswick in Canada. In 1974 she received a doctorate in Renaissance Drama from New Brunswick, with a thesis focusing on the staging of Renaissance plays.
Dr Star was Principal of the Women’s College from 1974 until 1980, and was the first principal to bring her children to live with her. She approached the running of the College from a non-authoritarian standpoint, re-naming the College Tutors “Senior Residents,” and actively encouraging student opinion on all matters relating to the College. She was a great supporter of the College Committee, which organized the day-to-day running of the College and which had a predominantly student membership. She constantly worked to foster dialogue with students, having an open-door policy and being available for consultation from 8.30 every morning. In addition she took a keen interest in the College finances, and by the time she left College it was in a very sound financial position.
After leaving College and completing a law degree at the University of New South Wales (she began her degree during her tenure as Principal), she wrote for a legal publisher. She is now a freelance writer and historian. Dr Star found the stimulating environment of College to be a wonderful re-entry into Australian life after the period spent in Canada. Among her most pleasant memories of the College are the friendships she made with students. She still counts many of these as valued friends.
Source: Personal information provided by Dr Star