Realise Campaign
Since its founding, Women’s College has provided scholarships and bursaries to assist students to attend university and College. Generated wholly by philanthropic donation, these funds have continued to enable high-potential students to experience the educational and professional advantages of being a member of the Women’s College community, regardless of their background or means.
In 2021, 11% of total College fees are subsidised by scholarships, allowing us to give a quarter of our students in residence partial funding towards the costs of living at College.
The goal of the Realise campaign is to build our scholarship fund to $30 million so that by 2040, half our students can have access to financial assistance if they need it.
Reaching this ambitious target will help us to ensure that no young woman with academic potential is disadvantaged in realising her desire to attend Women’s College and university because of financial or geographic constraints.
The Realise campaign features a multi-generational group of Women’s College alumnae. All are current donors, and most were recipients of scholarships during their time at College. In bringing together this group of women as ambassadors for the campaign, we asked them what the Realise campaign means to them.
Our ambassadors spoke to us about the impact that Women’s College had on their lives and careers: enriching them through lifelong friendships, inspiring them through exposure to high-achieving peers and role models, and giving them confidence to pursue their ambitions. As one of our donors noted, “If more women can have access to Women’s College, more will be able to realise their potential, and in turn change their communities.” Their message was that while students might only live at College for a few short years, their experiences are formative for life.
Your support for the Realise campaign will give future generations of young women from all backgrounds the opportunity to live and study within the supportive, vibrant community of the Women’s College.

Dr Maryam Eghtedari
“Realise means encouraging young women to achieve excellence. By supporting women’s education we can change the world.”

Nhi-Y Pham
“Women’s College changed my world; it opened my eyes to new experiences and the realisation that I could do whatever I wanted.”

Christa Lenard
“Women’s College gave us the power to know that we could be independent women. It provided me with a platform and foundation to go after what I wanted to do.”

Carolyn Gavel
“If you look at our alumnae, we’re all doing something that is going to make a difference in our own sphere, whether that’s something public, or in very small actions. College is a place for everybody and every woman.”

Dr Janet McCredie AM
“As an institution, Women’s has always stood for the good of the community. It’s a great melting pot for young women who are going to become professional women and it’s been a great source of lifelong friendships for every generation of students.”