Dr Ann Eyland holds a BSc (Hons) and an MSc from the University of Sydney, and a PhD from the University of Aberdeen. She rose from being a tutor in mathematics at the University of Sydney (when she was also a resident tutor in College), to Associate Professor in Statistics at Macquarie University.
Dr Eyland has published many papers in scientific literature. As a highly regarded statistician she has been involved in collaborative work in wide-ranging subjects such as physiology, community medicine, ancient history and labour-market economics. Her consultative and collaborative work continues and her list of publications increases each year. Dr Eyland is a past president of the Sydney University Women’s Union and in 1988 one of the Manning House Dining Rooms was named the Ann Whight Room in her honour. In her own words Dr Eyland came to Women’s College “to work for the strengthening of Women’s position in society at large and in the University in particular.”
Her term will probably be best remembered in College history for the building of the Vere Hole Resource Centre, begun in 1994 and completed in 1996. Since 1994 Dr Eyland has been a Fellow of the Senate, the governing body of the University. This role was seen as an important link between the College, the University and the outside world. She is married to Dr Roger Eyland, a mathematician. They have two children, David and Catherine, both graduates in history.
Source: An article by Margaret Sabine, Vice Principal of College 1984-1994. The Journal of The Women’s College within the University of Sydney